As farmers across the state are becoming reacquainted with their combines, and are bringing in high yields, they are also dealing with lower grain prices. With grain prices heading south, it’s no surprise that Nebraska land values are being similarly affected. Nebraska farmland values remain strong, but a slow down is beginning to show. Non-irrigated farmland […] Managers Managers2014-10-09 13:46:182014-10-09 13:46:18Effects Of Lower Grain Prices On Nebraska Land Values
Owning a farm or ranch is an investment with a unique responsibility. As a steward of the land, natural resources are under your control. Your financial contribution as a landowner also has the potential to allow a tenant operator to maintain a farm lifestyle. With land investor participation, farmer operators can rent at least some […] Managers Managers2014-10-02 15:24:132014-10-02 15:24:13What Value Can A Land Manager Add To My Land Investment?
Lifestyle Real Estate Website Breaks Web Traffic Records September 2014 – (KANSAS CITY, Mo.) – More than 90 percent of real estate buyers start their search for property online1. In July, millions of these consumers searched the Internet looking for lifestyle real estate, which includes second and vacation homes, retirement communities, ranches, farms, horse, mountain, […] Managers Managers2014-09-22 23:03:222014-09-22 23:03:22Innovative SEO Strategy Drives Record Real Estate Buyer Traffic
Farmers and landowners generally focus on the land beneath their feet. However, with the increasing amount of wind energy development across the Midwest, many are starting to look at the wind above their heads. There are several wind energy farms across Nebraska and they continue to expand in may rural areas. While increasing alternative energy […] Managers Managers2014-09-17 18:35:402014-09-17 18:35:40Leasing Land for Wind Energy Production
One of the more difficult aspects of owning farm or ranchland deals with how that land will be transferred to the next generation. In particular, identifying the correct process by which to pass on that land to children is one of the most important parts of estate planning. The good news is that successfully gifting […] Managers Managers2014-09-11 14:50:222014-09-11 14:50:22Gifting Land to the Next Generation
At some point during any farmer or landowner’s lifetime, they will likely be involved with the sale and acquisition of land. Deferring the capital gains tax on the sale of land to a later date by purchasing more land—in what is known as a 1031 exchange—is a common practice that has been employed for many […] Managers Managers2014-09-05 14:10:052014-09-05 14:10:051031 Exchanges Coming to an End?
Over the last several months, meteorologists have been duking it out over the chances of an El Nino occurring, and the ways this could affect Nebraska harvest weather, and the winter and spring to follow. An El Nino occurs when the Pacific Ocean surface waters warm up to above normal temperatures—usually about one degree Celsius […] Managers Managers2014-08-25 21:31:432014-08-25 21:31:43What will El Nino hold for Nebraska Harvest?
As we head into the final stretch of August, farmers are already looking ahead to harvest. While they focus on putting pivots to rest in the near future and begin pulling out the harvest equipment, it’s a good idea for farmers and landowners in rental agreements to remember that September 1st marks the date by […]
Effects Of Lower Grain Prices On Nebraska Land Values
As farmers across the state are becoming reacquainted with their combines, and are bringing in high yields, they are also dealing with lower grain prices. With grain prices heading south, it’s no surprise that Nebraska land values are being similarly affected. Nebraska farmland values remain strong, but a slow down is beginning to show. Non-irrigated farmland […]
What Value Can A Land Manager Add To My Land Investment?
Owning a farm or ranch is an investment with a unique responsibility. As a steward of the land, natural resources are under your control. Your financial contribution as a landowner also has the potential to allow a tenant operator to maintain a farm lifestyle. With land investor participation, farmer operators can rent at least some […]
Innovative SEO Strategy Drives Record Real Estate Buyer Traffic
Lifestyle Real Estate Website Breaks Web Traffic Records September 2014 – (KANSAS CITY, Mo.) – More than 90 percent of real estate buyers start their search for property online1. In July, millions of these consumers searched the Internet looking for lifestyle real estate, which includes second and vacation homes, retirement communities, ranches, farms, horse, mountain, […]
Leasing Land for Wind Energy Production
Farmers and landowners generally focus on the land beneath their feet. However, with the increasing amount of wind energy development across the Midwest, many are starting to look at the wind above their heads. There are several wind energy farms across Nebraska and they continue to expand in may rural areas. While increasing alternative energy […]
Gifting Land to the Next Generation
One of the more difficult aspects of owning farm or ranchland deals with how that land will be transferred to the next generation. In particular, identifying the correct process by which to pass on that land to children is one of the most important parts of estate planning. The good news is that successfully gifting […]
1031 Exchanges Coming to an End?
At some point during any farmer or landowner’s lifetime, they will likely be involved with the sale and acquisition of land. Deferring the capital gains tax on the sale of land to a later date by purchasing more land—in what is known as a 1031 exchange—is a common practice that has been employed for many […]
What will El Nino hold for Nebraska Harvest?
Over the last several months, meteorologists have been duking it out over the chances of an El Nino occurring, and the ways this could affect Nebraska harvest weather, and the winter and spring to follow. An El Nino occurs when the Pacific Ocean surface waters warm up to above normal temperatures—usually about one degree Celsius […]
Determining a Fair Price for Farmland Rent
As we head into the final stretch of August, farmers are already looking ahead to harvest. While they focus on putting pivots to rest in the near future and begin pulling out the harvest equipment, it’s a good idea for farmers and landowners in rental agreements to remember that September 1st marks the date by […]