For the past several months, both US economists and farmers have been keeping a close watch of the economic health of China. Despite the fact that it’s on the other half of the globe, China’s economy has many effects on our own, namely in the agriculture sector, as the Chinese government is the largest importer […]
Last year, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducted a survey of all landlord owners of agricultural land in the US. The survey, called the 2014 Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) Survey, was the first of its kind done by NASS since 1999. The purpose of the survey was to provide […]
If you are a farmer and/or landowner, your chances of being involved in the sale or acquisition of land is almost certain. As such, you are probably already familiar with a useful real estate tool known as a 1031 exchange. Put simply, a 1031 exchange is a deferment of the capital gains tax on the […] Managers Managers2015-12-28 19:37:172015-12-28 19:37:175 Things to Know About 1031 Exchanges
With the advent of satellite technology over the last two decades, many Nebraska farmers are implementing Precision Agriculture (PA) managing techniques on their farmland. Also known as Site Specific Crop Management (SSCM), the practice involves managing land based on observing, measuring, and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Precision Ag revolves around the […] Managers Managers2015-12-16 15:28:232015-12-16 15:28:23Benefits of Applying Precision Ag Management Principles on Nebraska Farmland
Whether you’re renting out your farmland or paying rent, it’s important to know your leasing options. A variety of lease types exist, and based on your relationship with your landlord and/or tenant, both parties can opt for the one that suits them the best. With the fluctuating land values and commodity prices that have characterized […] Managers Managers2015-12-09 16:00:372015-12-09 16:00:37Types of Land Leases
As farmers across the Cornhusker State park their harvesting equipment for the winter, many are feeling the satisfaction of reaping a bountiful harvest. According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) data for November 1st conditions, Nebraska boasted a record high 1.68 billion bushels, up 4 percent from last year. The area harvested for […] Managers Managers2015-11-30 21:13:182015-11-30 21:13:18Nebraska Harvest Wraps Up in Record Fashion
If you farm in Nebraska, or anywhere across the Midwest, chances are you have chosen to plant genetically modified crops on your land. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 88 percent of corn, 94 percent of cotton, and 93 percent of soybeans planted in the U.S. in 2012 were genetically modified. Adoption rates in […] Managers Managers2015-11-13 01:33:052015-11-13 01:33:05Benefits of GMOs in Agriculture
Farmers across the Midwest are in the thick of harvest activity, and the weather has been favorable enough in Nebraska over the last week for producers to make good progress in the fields. It’s a busy time of year, and no exception for land managers, who are also working harvest hours for their clients. We […] Managers Managers2015-10-15 13:40:322015-10-15 13:40:32Harvest Time Busy for Land Managers as well as Farmers
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How will China’s Economic Slowdown Affect Nebraska Agriculture?
For the past several months, both US economists and farmers have been keeping a close watch of the economic health of China. Despite the fact that it’s on the other half of the globe, China’s economy has many effects on our own, namely in the agriculture sector, as the Chinese government is the largest importer […]
Nebraska Farmland Owner Survey Results
Last year, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducted a survey of all landlord owners of agricultural land in the US. The survey, called the 2014 Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) Survey, was the first of its kind done by NASS since 1999. The purpose of the survey was to provide […]
5 Things to Know About 1031 Exchanges
If you are a farmer and/or landowner, your chances of being involved in the sale or acquisition of land is almost certain. As such, you are probably already familiar with a useful real estate tool known as a 1031 exchange. Put simply, a 1031 exchange is a deferment of the capital gains tax on the […]
Benefits of Applying Precision Ag Management Principles on Nebraska Farmland
With the advent of satellite technology over the last two decades, many Nebraska farmers are implementing Precision Agriculture (PA) managing techniques on their farmland. Also known as Site Specific Crop Management (SSCM), the practice involves managing land based on observing, measuring, and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Precision Ag revolves around the […]
Types of Land Leases
Whether you’re renting out your farmland or paying rent, it’s important to know your leasing options. A variety of lease types exist, and based on your relationship with your landlord and/or tenant, both parties can opt for the one that suits them the best. With the fluctuating land values and commodity prices that have characterized […]
Nebraska Harvest Wraps Up in Record Fashion
As farmers across the Cornhusker State park their harvesting equipment for the winter, many are feeling the satisfaction of reaping a bountiful harvest. According to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) data for November 1st conditions, Nebraska boasted a record high 1.68 billion bushels, up 4 percent from last year. The area harvested for […]
Benefits of GMOs in Agriculture
If you farm in Nebraska, or anywhere across the Midwest, chances are you have chosen to plant genetically modified crops on your land. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 88 percent of corn, 94 percent of cotton, and 93 percent of soybeans planted in the U.S. in 2012 were genetically modified. Adoption rates in […]
Harvest Time Busy for Land Managers as well as Farmers
Farmers across the Midwest are in the thick of harvest activity, and the weather has been favorable enough in Nebraska over the last week for producers to make good progress in the fields. It’s a busy time of year, and no exception for land managers, who are also working harvest hours for their clients. We […]