While corn and soybeans are the dominant crops grown in Nebraska, many farmers are also looking toward maximizing their land’s efficiency and productivity by adding cover crops like turnips and radishes to their usual crop rotations. There are multiple benefits to planting a cover crop. Planting cover crops to fallow fields improves soil structure, reduces […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-12-24 02:25:462013-12-24 02:25:46Can Your Land Benefit From Cover Crops Like Turnips And Radishes?
When it comes to many aspects of farm ownership, having a good idea of what the farm is worth serves as the basis from which many important decisions are made. Estate planning, dividing land among children, determining fair rental fees or lease terms, and tax or legal issues all depend on an accurate farmland appraisal. […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-12-13 17:04:282013-12-13 17:04:28How To Get An Accurate Land Appraisal
When it comes to land management, one aspect that many landowners often put off for “tomorrow” is planning their estate’s transfer to future generations. However, estate planning is one of the most important actions landowners can take to ensure that one of their greatest assets is handled in a smooth manner once retirement age is […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-12-02 20:24:252013-12-02 20:24:25Estate Planning: Successfully Transferring Land to the Next Generation
As farmers reach their last rounds in the combine harvesting 2013’s crop, most are already thinking ahead to 2014. One of their top concerns is input costs and how best to manage them to maximize their bottom line. The drought of 2012 and its resultant high-demand and low supply of crops led to high commodity […]
Along with corn and soybeans, wheat is one of the top crops in Nebraska. Many Nebraska farmers take advantage of wheat’s unique growing capabilities in order to maximize their land use and profitability. Nebraska is one of the top ten wheat producing states in the country, and Nebraska farmers have produced as many as 84.28 […]
“Don’t sell the farm,” or “I wouldn’t bet the farm on it,” are well-known idioms, and for good reason: They are a very fair representation of the high stakes that accompany such a venture. Over the last decade in Nebraska, with a growing number of farmers and landowners at an advanced age, knowing how to […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-11-08 21:33:002013-11-08 21:33:00When is the Right Time to Sell the Farm?
Just as the old adage, “A woman’s work is never done,” rings true, so too could one say this about farmers. With Nebraska farmers at or approaching the midway point of the 2013 harvest, most have already thought ahead to the ways they will manage their fields after the crops are out and before winter […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-10-28 18:45:002013-10-28 18:45:00Fall Tillage on your Land: Pros and Cons
Combines across Nebraska have been running the month of October, even if the government hasn’t been. With the 17% government shut down, the USDA confirmed that the Crop Estimate and World Supply and Demand report will not be released as usual, since the data analysts and those who compile harvest data from Farm Service Agencies […]
https://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.png00UFARM Managershttps://ufarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/UFARM-PC-Logo_web.pngUFARM Managers2013-10-25 19:57:392013-10-25 19:57:39Nebraska Harvest in Full Swing
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Can Your Land Benefit From Cover Crops Like Turnips And Radishes?
While corn and soybeans are the dominant crops grown in Nebraska, many farmers are also looking toward maximizing their land’s efficiency and productivity by adding cover crops like turnips and radishes to their usual crop rotations. There are multiple benefits to planting a cover crop. Planting cover crops to fallow fields improves soil structure, reduces […]
How To Get An Accurate Land Appraisal
When it comes to many aspects of farm ownership, having a good idea of what the farm is worth serves as the basis from which many important decisions are made. Estate planning, dividing land among children, determining fair rental fees or lease terms, and tax or legal issues all depend on an accurate farmland appraisal. […]
Estate Planning: Successfully Transferring Land to the Next Generation
When it comes to land management, one aspect that many landowners often put off for “tomorrow” is planning their estate’s transfer to future generations. However, estate planning is one of the most important actions landowners can take to ensure that one of their greatest assets is handled in a smooth manner once retirement age is […]
How Will 2014 Crop Input Costs Affect The Bottom Line?
As farmers reach their last rounds in the combine harvesting 2013’s crop, most are already thinking ahead to 2014. One of their top concerns is input costs and how best to manage them to maximize their bottom line. The drought of 2012 and its resultant high-demand and low supply of crops led to high commodity […]
Nebraska Fall Wheat Planting Update
Along with corn and soybeans, wheat is one of the top crops in Nebraska. Many Nebraska farmers take advantage of wheat’s unique growing capabilities in order to maximize their land use and profitability. Nebraska is one of the top ten wheat producing states in the country, and Nebraska farmers have produced as many as 84.28 […]
When is the Right Time to Sell the Farm?
“Don’t sell the farm,” or “I wouldn’t bet the farm on it,” are well-known idioms, and for good reason: They are a very fair representation of the high stakes that accompany such a venture. Over the last decade in Nebraska, with a growing number of farmers and landowners at an advanced age, knowing how to […]
Fall Tillage on your Land: Pros and Cons
Just as the old adage, “A woman’s work is never done,” rings true, so too could one say this about farmers. With Nebraska farmers at or approaching the midway point of the 2013 harvest, most have already thought ahead to the ways they will manage their fields after the crops are out and before winter […]
Nebraska Harvest in Full Swing
Combines across Nebraska have been running the month of October, even if the government hasn’t been. With the 17% government shut down, the USDA confirmed that the Crop Estimate and World Supply and Demand report will not be released as usual, since the data analysts and those who compile harvest data from Farm Service Agencies […]