UFARM’s Randy Oertwich leads effort for landowners to receive Heritage Award.

Ron & Gloria Asch with their family’s Heritage Award.
The Asch farm was homesteaded in 1863 by Philip P. Asch in Stanton County, Nebraska. It is currently owned by UFARM clients Ron and Gloria Asch. “The founding homesteaders lived in a dug out until the early 1900’s when they built a house on the property. They faced a grass fire that burned over the dugout and Ron’s grandfather fought frostbite and credits an Indian medicine man with saving his feet,” noted landowners Ron and Gloria Asch. One of the original cottonwood trees that was planted the same year the dugout was built is still standing.
In 2023, the Asch family commemorated 150 years of ownership, making them eligible for the Heritage Award. UFARM’s, Randy Oertwich who manages the farm wanted to make sure his landowners could get the award while still in good health. He researched and filled out the forms for them and in August of 2023 they received the Heritage Award at the Stanton County Fair. “Ron is a fourth generation landowner and that’s really special and deserved to be recognized. It is very rewarding when as a manager you can go above and beyond to help honor your clients.” stated Randy Oertwich.
Gloria expressed her appreciation for Randy’s efforts by saying, “We have been with United Farm and Ranch Management for over six years with Randy Oertwich as our agent from the start. We have been very pleased with the management of the farm and look forward to many more years with him and UFARM.”