How are Nebraska Crops Looking?

Hail Damaged Corn in Northeast Nebraska
When it comes to important growing milestones, July is an important month, especially for corn. The USDA released its weekly crops progress report on Monday. How are things looking for Nebraska crops, as well as for crops across the Midwest?
The good news is that, after a slow start to planting season and early on due to excess moisture, the progress is picking up. Both corn and soybeans have made decent strides over the last several weeks, though they are still behind last year’s data.
Overall, the USDA rated the corn from the 18 top corn-growing states as 70 percent good/excellent. This is improved from last week’s 69 percent, but behind the five-year good/excellent average of 75 percent.
Another area where corn made great strides from last week was in corn silking—a critical stage of development. This week, the USDA found that 78 percent of the nation’s corn crop is silking, versus 55 percent a week ago. Similarly, 14 percent of that crop is in the dough stage, slightly behind the five-year dough stage average of 17 percent.
Nationwide, for soybeans, the USDA rated the crop as 62 percent in good/excellent condition, which is equal to last week, but behind last year’s 71 percent.
As for important soybean developmental milestones, nationwide, 71 percent have bloomed, slightly behind last year’s 74 percent, and only one percentage point behind the five-year average for soybean blooms at this time.
In comparison with the nationwide crop numbers, how are Nebraska crops doing?
Fortunately, for the week ending July 26th, the state experience near normal temperatures statewide. Southeast portions of the state received up to four inches of rain, while the rest of the state’s moisture totaled 1 inch or less. The combination of favorable weather and moderate rainfall facilitated crop development, although some areas with less moisture are reported dryland stress symptoms. The NASS reported 6 days suitable for fieldwork, with topsoil moisture supplies rated at 6 percent very short, 24 short, 66 adequate, and 4 percent surplus.
For Nebraska corn conditions, 74 percent rated as good/excellent, better than the nationwide rating of 70 percent. This is ahead of last week’s 69 percent, but behind last year’s 75 percent.
Nebraska corn silking was at 83 percent, ahead of the nationwide average of 78 percent. This is one percentage point ahead of last year’s 82 percent, as well as the five year average of 82 percent.
Similarly, Nebraska soybeans are faring better than the total 18 state average as well, with 72 percent as good/excellent. This is one percentage point ahead of last year’s 71 percent good/excellent rating. Nebraska soybean blooming rate was at 77 percent, which is behind last year’s 82 percent, but near the 78 percent average.
Will the favorable conditions hold into August? Only time will tell. As of now, Nebraska crops are doing well. UFARM land managers are on the ground in Nebraska fields throughout the growing season, and can keep you updated on the latest conditions.
UFARM offers a full range of Nebraska land management services, including real estate sales, rural property appraisals, consultations and crop insurance. UFARM has operated in Nebraska since the early 1930’s. Contact us today!
Sources consulted: “Nebraska Crop Progress and Condition.” USDA. United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. 27 Jul. 2015. Web. 28 Jul. 2015.